Unlimited>When you recieve a registration code, enter it into box below.gIf you recieved it online or in an email, transfer it using Copy and Paste operation to avoid errors._PLEASE ENTER YOUR INFORMATION VERY CAREFULLY and review it for errors after you make changes.. PLEASE ENTER OR PASTE YOUR REGISTRATION CODE Aplly your registration code8Read only property of the SoftAtlas Download Accelerator\Download(s) will be removed from list and Downloads' DataBase. Do you accept this operation?!http://soft-atlas.com/support.htmhttp://soft-atlas.com/index.htm+http://soft-atlas.com/forum/simpleforum.cgi? SoftAtlas Download Accelerator Configuration Wizard This wizard will help you to configure SoftAtlas Download Accelerator to work best for you and your network. This will step you through the process to setup mani of the most common and important options of SDA Click "Next" to continue, or "Cancel" to stop now. Apply changes)The private password confirmation failed!nAll Completed Download(s) will be removed from the list and Downloads' DataBase. Do you accept this operation?Searched Mirror